
Work continued today on the two corner uprights at the RH side of the boot door opening.  I used a coach bolt right through the perimeter rail in order to fasten the bottom of the outer pillar to the rail.

Next I made up some steel plates to reinforce the join in the outer pillar, three in all, one above the curved corner rail, one below it and one longer one for the inner face of the pillar.  I drilled the pillar for the 1/4″ bolts then drilled the plates to match.  I also drilled both the two outer plates for a wood screw to add an additional fixing to the pillar as they are not continuous like the inner one.

Final job of the day was to paint both with a coat of blue hammerite smooth enamel.  As the plates were made from Zintec, I felt it was not worth the trouble of etch priming them especially as they are well protected in their positions.