
I  completed all the sections to make up the repair for the lower siderod aft of the wheelarch today, ready for assembly tomorrow.


Yesterday and today were spend manufacturing a rather complex shaped piece of timber to repair the siderod just aft of the NSR wheelarch.    This needs to provide location for the boot floor perimeter rail and the lower perimeter rail along the rear of the bus.  This piece is about ready to be installed but requires a little more adjustment and cutting to suit the body tumblehome.

Timber to rear of wheelbox/NSR wheelarch

Timber to rear of wheelbox/NSR wheelarch

Looking rearwards from above the axle

Looking rearwards from above the axle



Today was spent replacing the lower section of the second side-rod rearwards from the wheelarch.  I spliced this in with a simple lap-joint below the boot floor level and mortised it to the lower floor bearer.  I did this before the replacing the siderod behind the wheelarch in order to maintain a datum point for the bottom rail and lower edge of the wheelarch.